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Creativity of portal visitors.


As practice has shown the majority of our visitors are people who are intelligent and creative. Therefore, messages sent to "Wishes", "Our stories" and "Talk to God" often baffle our moderators. Such texts will be moved here by the moderators or can be posted here by authors themselves. Also, articles or works of other forms, dedicated to the Great God of Internet, as well as related topics of the portal will be published here. Later, when the form of work becomes clear, perhaps we will change the format of this page and users' access to it. In the meantime all works posted on this page will be moderated, and placed in the ribbon. Please do not forget to put links (in order to give credit) if you use someone else's material.

Note: in order to protect the copyrights we recommend to register on the site. If the authorship is not supported by registration - the moderators are entitled to refuse publication.

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Бог Интернета

Miscellaneous posts from the visitors of this portal.

(updated once a day)

Displaying 131 - 140 of 224
15.05.2011 06:46:00


14.05.2011 00:40:27

Now I know who the brainy one is, I’ll keep lkooing for your posts. 

14.05.2011 00:21:56

HHIS I should have toughht of that! 

13.05.2011 19:30:52

Haha. I woke up down today. You’ve chereed me up! 

13.05.2011 19:01:04

Good point. I hadn't tohuhgt about it quite that way. :) 

13.05.2011 08:52:14

This has made my day. I wish all potsigns were this good. 

13.05.2011 06:48:44

At last, someone comes up with the "right" anwser! 

13.05.2011 04:51:07

BION I'm imeprssed! Cool post! 

13.05.2011 03:34:19

Very true! Makes a chgnae to see someone spell it out like that. :) 

13.05.2011 00:39:25

Hey, that's the gertesat! So with ll this brain power AWHFY? 

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